In 2011, an American production called "The Last Suharto" was created for the movie channel A&E. It is based on the book "The Last Suharto: The Struggle to Come to Terms With the Legacy of President Suharto" by Andrew Solomon. It is a fictional story of the life of a Chinese American woman (which could be played by any actress) who has been brought up to become a new president of Indonesia. After the presidential elections, the film's protagonist becomes the most popular presidential candidate who is successful to become president of Indonesia. In the beginning, she was the secretary of the previous president; when the government of Indonesia invaded East Timor and the East Timor issue became the largest political issue for the Indonesian people, the film's protagonist is willing to take on the responsibility as a president. However, after she has to find out that her own family is involved in the massive human rights abuse, she has to find a way to bring a peaceful ending.
In 2012, the Indonesian film "Negeri Damai" was released. It is a fictional story about a high school student who has been given her own crisis room to solve her problems.
See also
Indonesian culture
History of Indonesia
Censorship in Indonesia
External links
Category:Film censorship in Indonesia
Category:Indonesian culture
Category:Persecution of ethnic groups by communist regimesQ:
Nest 2.8.1 shows error when use nestjs.config.json
My nestjs is 2.8.1 version,
I set
In webpack,
import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
But I got
Property 'compilerOptions' does not exist on type 'typeof../node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js'
How to solve this problem.
You need to export your nestjs.config.json file and make sure to install it correctly in the project
npm install --save-dev @nestjs/common
nest install --save-dev
You need to add import '@n
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